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Find and Pitch the Perfect Guest Posting Opportunities

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Find and Pitch the Perfect Guest Posting Opportunities

Today ProBlogger Subject Matter Expert Ali Luke is guest posting about guest posting.

So, you’ve realised that guest posting has loads of benefits for you and your blog, but you’re not quite sure how to go about it.

Maybe you’re worried that you don’t have enough experience.

Perhaps you haven’t even got an active blog of your own right now.

That’s absolutely fine. Most host blogs just want someone who can write reasonably well.

(It’s also OK to guest post even if you don’t have your own blog: some authors do this to promote their books, for instance, and freelancers do it to promote their services.)

If you’re worried about whether your writing’s good enough, ask a blogger friend to help you edit your guest post: a second pair of eyes can be invaluable here.

Choosing a Blog to Target

Where should you post? It makes sense to aim for a well-known blog with a big audience, though if this is your very first guest post, you may not want to go straight for the top. (Some bloggers do, though – so if you’re feeling confident, try it!)

Great blogs to guest post for are:

#1: Blogs that you already read regularly. This is definitely the best place to begin: after all, you already know these blogs well, and you may have left comments or shared posts, meaning there’s a chance the host blogger is already familiar with you.

#2: Blogs that are new to you, but well-established in your niche. I’ve been blogging for 9 years and I still keep coming across great blogs I never knew about! Check out the blogs that big-name bloggers in your niche link to (either in posts, in their sidebar, or on social media).

I don’t recommend Googling “list of blogs to guest post for” and choosing a list with hundreds of blogs on it. Guest posting isn’t a numbers game: it’s much better to write one or two great posts for one or two great blogs.

How to Know if a Blog Takes Guest Posts

The first thing to look for is a page on the blog titled something like this:

  • Guest post guidelines
  • Submission guidelines
  • Write for us
  • Submit a post

(Check the navigation menu, the sidebar, the About page, and the Contact page for these. Or you can type into Google: guest post guidelines site:

[URL of the blog] to find any page/post on that blog that mentions “guest post guidelines”.)

If there aren’t any guidelines visible, look to see who’s writing for the blog. Are there any recent guest posts? Anything written by someone who isn’t the blog owner / editor might be a guest post … though if the same names keep coming up again and again, they’re probably freelance writers.

Once you’ve found a blog to target, it’s time to come up with your idea.

Coming Up with an Idea

If you generally find it difficult to come up with ideas for blog posts, you might want to check out the six months of blogging prompts (free).

When you’re pitching a guest post, your idea should be:

  • In the right niche. I know this sounds obvious, but there’s no point in sending a post about credit cards to a blog about parenting toddlers!
  • A good fit for the audience. Copyblogger and Helping Writers Become Authors are both excellent blogs with an interest in good writing … but Copyblogger is about copywriting and Helping Writers Become Authors is about fiction.
  • Not too similar to other recent posts on the blog. You might want to find a category on the blog that hasn’t had many posts recently, and come up with an idea to fit that category.
  • Appropropriate for the tone of the blog. Most blogs, for instance, won’t be keen to publish an angry, ranty, sweary post. (Of course, on some other blogs, that would work perfectly.)

I’d suggest coming up with two or three ideas for the blog: personally, I like to offer one main idea and a couple of alternatives.

Note: We’ll be going into more detail about guest post ideas next week and providing extra guidance on how to shape these not only to the blog itself but also to your own objectives.

Developing Your Idea into an Outline

Before you pitch, your main idea should be fleshed out with a brief outline or idea of what you’re going to cover. A list (with or without bullet points) is fine here. For instance, for this post, that list might look like:

Title: Finding Great Guest Posting Opportunities and Pitching the Perfect Post

This would cover:

  • Where to find blogs to post for (and what NOT to do)
  • How to come up with ideas that are a good fit for your target blog
  • A sample email for pitching your ideas
  • The importance of following guidelines

A quick list like this makes sure that the host blogger’s expectations line up with what you plan to deliver.

Occasionally, you may find that a host blogger likes your idea but wants you to cover different or additional points – it’s always easiest to get this clear up front, rather than to write a whole post only to end up making substantial changes.

Should You Write the Whole Post Before Pitching?

Some blogs like to have the pitch alone (title plus outline); others prefer to see a finished post. Check their guidelines to see what they specify.

There’s nothing stopping you, of course, from writing the whole post before you pitch (and just keeping it to yourself): if you’re feeling a bit anxious about doing justice to your pitch, this can help! You may, though, have to make changes based on the blog owner’s response to your pitch.

Writing a Pitch Email to the Blog’s Editor

This is where many would-be guest post writers get stuck! It can be really daunting to sit down and email a big-name blogger who you’d love to write for … what if you screw it up?

If it’s any comfort, that big-name blogger probably gets dozens of terrible pitches from SEO companies every single week.

To stand out from the crowd, just:

  • Present an on-target idea (you should have that already!)
  • Be clear and concise (don’t give detailed paragraphs about your backstory)
  • Use correct spelling and grammar (ask a friend to proofread for you)

You don’t need to have any special credentials … you just need to show that you can write decent English and that you won’t be horrible to work with.

In case you think I’m setting the bar too low here, this is a real email I received a couple of weeks ago, for my blog Aliventures (my tagline there is “master the art, craft and business of writing”):


I am content writer specialized in Health & fitness niche, and I chanced upon I must appreciate that the content of your website is par excellence and exceptionally useful.

I’ve been a blogger for about 10 years, with special interests in Health & fitness, Ayurvedic counselor, and Sexologist. Today I am a recognized expert in the subject, and over the years, have consistently contributed articles and blogs to top sexologist related sites.

I am looking forward to attaching myself as a guest blogger to your site by contributing an article to I assure that the article will be highly informative and educative to your audience. While I am not looking at any monetary benefits, instead we could consider the possibility mentioning my site/resource just once within the article.

Do let me know if this sounds good and works for you.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


[name removed]

Content Writer & Editor

I’m sure you spotted some of the glaring problems with this pitch:

  • It’s clearly been sent to lots of different blogs. You can tell because it doesn’t address me by name and it has my URL instead of my blog’s name in the first paragraph (which means the writer likely has a long long list of blog URLs that they’re contacting).
  • The topics are completely irrelevant to my blog on writing. I have never posted anything on Aliventures about health and fitness (or sex)!
  • The writer doesn’t pitch an actual topic at all, but they assure me the article will be “highly informative and educative”. I’m not convinced.
  • It’s pretty clear their aim in guest posting is purely to get a link.

Trust me, you can do a million times better than this.

Sample Email to Use When Pitching a Guest Post

Here’s an email you can use for your pitches: just fill in the [bits in square brackets].

Subject: Guest post submission:


Your Life in One Sentence: The Power of Vision

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Many people think they know the vision for their life, but they confuse it with objectives like wanting to make a certain amount of money or achieve a certain job title. Other people only have a general idea that is not well defined—like “I want to help people.” A life of freedom and fulfilment requires a clearly defined vision that encompasses your entire life, not just your work. Your vision is the glue that holds together all of your daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly objectives for your life.

Not being able to state your vision in a single sentence is like trying to navigate without a compass. Your vision is your guide. Without it, you cannot expect to achieve your desired outcomes in a timely or efficient manner. So let’s take a deeper look at what vision is and how to craft a vision statement.

Your Life Sentence

Former Congresswoman Clare Boothe Luce, who later became an ambassador and author, was concerned that President John F. Kennedy was stretching himself too thin and setting himself up for disappointment and defeat. She reportedly told him that the lives of all great men could be summed up in one sentence. She called that their “life sentence.”

For example, can you tell me who she was talking about when she said the following: He preserved the Union and freed the slaves.

Or how about this: He lifted us out of the great depression and helped us win a world war.

Now, whether you agree with those statements or are a political fan of those people, you probably know who those sentences describe: Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, respectively. That one sentence defines that person’s life and legacy. That brings us to vision.

It is absolutely vital in living a life of freedom and fulfilment that you have a clear, compelling, and defined vision statement for your life. Whether you’re going to die twenty minutes from right now or twenty years from now, if the person delivering your eulogy is only allotted one sentence, what is the one sentence you would want them to say that sums up your life or legacy? What is your life sentence? That’s what a vision statement is.

When I do workshops, invariably there is one person (usually a man) who shouts out that he would want to be said of him at his funeral that “He worked his ass off.” Really? That’s what you want the members of your surviving family, your wife, your kids, your grandkids to know about you?

My father had an incredible career saving the world and working on a space program, but at his wake, nobody really talked about his career. Instead, he was defined by his role as a husband, a father, a volunteer in the community.

That’s what freedom and fulfilment are all about. It’s about a vision statement that doesn’t just define you by your work, job title, or paycheck, but defines you by your role as a family member, your relationships, and, yes, your work. That’s why it’s so important to have that clearly defined vision statement.

“If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in common hours.” – Henry David Thoreau

Purpose + Impact = Vision

Your vision statement is the desired outcome you want for your life. A lot of people ask me if a vision statement is the same as purpose. I used to think it was the same, but after working with hundreds of people around the world and from my own experience, I have come to believe that vision is bigger than purpose. In fact, a compelling vision statement combines your purpose for living with the impact you want to make on the world.

As an example, here’s my vision statement: To save the world by helping individuals fight for lives of freedom and fulfilment.

This vision statement combines my purpose for living—helping individuals fight for lives of freedom and fulfilment—with the impact I want to make on the world—saving it (yes, I have big goals). 

My vision statement doesn’t just apply to my work; it applies to my relationships and myself. Whether it’s how I live my life, how we raise our kids, how I build my business, or how I coach my clients, my vision statement provides a guiding star—that destination on a map where I want to end up.

Some people are convinced that you should have multiple vision statements in your life. But they’re confusing vision with objectives. Having yearly objectives, and maybe five and ten year objectives, is important. For example, when you’re in your twenties, perhaps you think your vision is to make partner and earn $100,000 a year. Then when you get in your thirties, you think your vision is to find your mate, get married, and have kids. Those aren’t visions; they’re actually not even purposes. Those are objectives.

It’s critical to have those objectives, but if you go through life from objective to objective without a clear and compelling vision that serves as the glue to hold them together, you are going to find yourself lost. You are going to hit the wall—whether it’s in your thirties, forties, fifties, or beyond—and have that feeling that you don’t know what you were put on this earth to do.

“Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

Questions to Help You Craft Your Vision Statement

So you may be thinking, “Well, coming up with my purpose and impact and a compelling vision is easier said than done.” And you’re absolutely right. It takes time and deep reflection to craft your vision statement.

To help you get started, here are some questions to think about:

  • What are your strengths? How are you leveraging them? How do you wish you could leverage them?
  • What are those one or two things you would want to be said about you at your funeral that would make you feel that you passed on a lasting, fulfilling legacy?
  • What things, people, and activities make you feel the most passionate?
  • Where would you like to be in five years? Ten years? Twenty-five years?
  • If you found out you only had one week left to live, what are the one or two things you wish you would have done by now, but haven’t?
  • How does your vision align with your strengths? And on that last note, when you look at your strengths, how can you use them to help achieve your vision?
  • When you come up with your vision, is it one that is going to allow you to use those strengths every day to achieve it?

Chart Your Course

Whenever you take a trip, you usually know the destination you want to go to, while also having milestones and landmarks in between. Whenever my family and I drive back to Chicago, I plot out our rest stops, perhaps where we’re going to stay overnight. Those rest stops and temporary stays are objectives, but I also have a clear idea of where I want to go. That’s what it means to live an outcomes-focused life. 

Your vision statement is your destination. It is the thing that defines your path and all your objectives leading you from where you are today to where you want to be in the future. 

Without a vision statement, you will wander aimlessly, perhaps ending up far from where you want to be. With a vision statement, you can instead move toward a life of freedom and fulfilment.

We’d love to hear what your vision is for your life. If you’d like, please share it with us below!

By |October 4th, 2019|Blog|0 Comments

Designing A Productive Dot Com Mogul Morning

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It’s a blessing and a curse, if I’m being perfectly honest. When you work a more traditional job for a more traditional employer in a more traditional kind of office, you can usually expect to have set working hours. Monday to Friday, nine to five is the most typical kind of arrangement. When you work for yourself as a dot com mogul, you have the freedom to set your own working hours. And the responsibility.

Not a morning person? No problem. Start later and end later. Work on a Saturday instead of Wednesday, so you can skip the crowds at Costco on the weekends. Regardless of how you choose to define your “morning” as an entrepreneur, though, you do have to start working at some point in the day. Beyond the myriad of productivity apps at your disposal, having a productive morning as a dot com mogul requires having a system.

And these five basic steps will set you off in the right direction.

1. Start the Night Before

The most important step to having a productive morning is to lay the groundwork the night before. As humans, we are creatures of inertia. The hardest part is getting started. As such, you don’t want to start your morning with trying to find your bearings. Instead, you should be able to hit the ground running as soon as you’re ready to buckle down and work.

At the simplest level, this means putting together your to-do list either at the end of your workday the day before, or before you to go to bed the night before. What I’ve learned is that you need to keep this to-do list tight and focused, so try to avoid having more than five items on there. List them in order of priority if you can. This lets you do the “brain dump” the day before, so when you get started in morning, you can reference your to-do list and know exactly what you should do first.

2. Enjoy an Offline Morning Routine

This might sound a little counter-intuitive in terms of being as productive as possible. With our smartphones always so close at hand, there’s a temptation to get an “early start” on the day by rifling through your messages and checking those social media notifications just as your eyes open or while you’re brushing your teeth.

Avoid this temptation. Remember how I said that we are creatures of inertia? It takes some time for your mind and body to adjust from a state of sleep to a state of wakefulness. Let everything get up to speed naturally before you get going. For some people, this might mean hitting the gym, going for a run, meditating, drinking a cup of coffee, or reading a book. Find what works best for you, and don’t even think about looking at your phone until you’re actually ready to work.

3. Limit Your Admin Time

I get it. With the breakneck pace of the web and ever-present ability to connect with almost anybody in the world, we feel compelled to see what’s happening with your friends, colleagues, and the rest of the globe. I know I do. Email, direct messages, and all these other forms of communication are important and necessary.

But it’s far too easy to fall deep down this rabbit hole, replying to messages and getting pulled into conversations, rather than actually doing the work that moves the needle. Decide on how much time you’re willing to dedicate to these tasks in the morning — I’d say no more than an hour, and ideally a lot less than that — and stick to that. You can do one more email sweep later in the day, as well as other administrative tasks like checking stats, metrics and analytics.

By limiting how much time you spend on these sorts of tasks, you maximize the time you can spend on the things that really matter.

4. Focus on the Important Things

There are only 24 hours in the day, and chances are you don’t want to spend all of them working. That’s kind of why you’re interested in the dot com lifestyle in the first place, right? Again, much like the menial and repetitive administrative tasks mentioned above, you’ll also be faced with a lot of “work” that isn’t nearly as important as your other “work.” You try to peg it off, because it feels like low-hanging fruit.

It’s become one of my biggest procrastination pitfalls. Instead, what you should be doing is deciding what is truly the most important thing for you to do (that day) and start working on that first, before you refocus your attention on other things that might need to be done. Utilize one of the many tools to manage your workflow, so tasks don’t fall through the cracks, but spend more of your time on what matters and less time on what doesn’t.

5. Break for Lunch at a Reasonable Hour

Here’s that inertia thing again. Once you manage to get going in the morning, it can sometimes feel like a raging locomotive. Believe me, I know it feels great when you feel like you’ve had a really productive morning. At the same time, you need to give yourself a break, and pushing lunch into much later in the day will be detrimental in the long run.

You might even choose to enjoy an extended lunch break with friends to recharge those batteries, and that’s okay too. As productive as your morning may or may not be, it needs to end eventually. Live your life, enjoy your meal, and return re-energized for an afternoon of awesomeness. Then, you’ll be ready to do it all over again the next day.

By |October 3rd, 2019|Blog|0 Comments

3 Keys to Getting the Results You Want in Life

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Are you going through a bad patch in your life where you’re not experiencing the kind of results that you desire to experience? Are you feeling stuck in your business and career? The truth is, you are not alone, we all go through the storms of life. The good news is that there is a sure way of getting out of the rut you find yourself in and getting the results you know you are supposed to be getting.

I formulated these 3 keys while I was going through almost a whole year of no income, my businesses were stuck and so was I. It was a hopeless and dry season of my life that I will never forget. In that time, I read over 20 personal development books and attended seminars and webinars because I was hungry for a solution that would help me get unstuck in my business and life.

Now, I run two successful companies, authored 4 books and counting, and I travel and speak all over the world. And, whenever I speak to organizations on “how to break plateaus” the audience gets it and they get to have the solution to getting unstuck and achieving great results.

Here are the 3 keys to getting the results you want in life:

1. A Clear Vision is The Big Picture

The iconic Mona Lisa painting by Leonardo DaVinci is a masterpiece which took him several years to finish. He had a clear vision of what he wanted his painting to look like, long before he painted it and long before it was ever the Mona Lisa.

Likewise, you also need to have a clear vision of what you want to experience in your life. Doing this will allow you to see the bigger picture of your life and it will help you to weather the storms of life, which will come, because your hope is safely anchored onto your bigger picture.

Here are some of the Golden rules to creating a clear vision:

  • Your vision must be clearly defined
  • Your vision must be centered around serving others 
  • Your vision must be written down 
  • Your vision must be recited everyday

“If you are working on something exciting that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed, the vision pulls you.” – Steve Jobs

2. Goals Are Your Roadmap

There has been a big misconception about what goals are. In fact, a lot of people have used the words “goal” and “vision” interchangeably, so let us clear this up. A goal, in its simplest form, is a means of direction. It is hardly effective when it is standing on its own. Imagine that I invite you to my beautiful home for my 31st birthday party and when you ask me for directions, I simply say “I live in Los Angeles, and my gate is big and black”.

I bet you would think I’m crazy right? Los Angeles is huge. What would be more beneficial is if I had given you my street name and house number at least. Likewise, you need to understand that the goals you are setting are meant to direct you to your end destination (your vision). If your goals are not attached to a bigger picture, then you are simply moving around everywhere and going nowhere.

Here are some golden rules to setting goals:

  • Your goals must be daily, weekly and monthly objectives
  • Your goals must be written down
  • Your goals must, when achieved, bring you closer to your bigger picture
  • Your goals must be recited everyday

“Goals. There’s no telling what you can do when you get inspired by them. There’s no telling what you can do when you believe in them. And there’s no telling what will happen when you act upon them.” – Jim Rohn

3. Massive Actions Precede Massive Results

This sounds very cliche but it is a fundamental truth that we sometimes fail to grasp. If we will not do what we ought to do, then we will not experience the results that we desire to experience. The quality of the results we wish to experience is predicated on us taking massive amounts of action in order to have that quality of results. Got it?

Imagine for a moment that you desire to have indestructible abs, so you search for abdominal exercises that will give you the abs you desire. You find one particular exercise that says all you need to do is 50 reps of crunches and 50 reps of sit-ups everyday for the next 3 months. But, instead of doing 50 reps, you do 10 of each and you do it for 10 days straight before you quit.

Do you think that your actions are “indestructible abs” worthy? I don’t think so. I think you would be lucky to get a 1 pack. Likewise, your actions have to be consistent and massive in order for you to achieve the kind of results you desire. There is no substitute for massive and consistent amounts of action.

To get the kind of results you desire to have in your life, you will have to create a clear vision for yourself, set goals which will direct you to your vision and take consistent and massive amounts of action everyday in order to have great results. The rest will be history.

By |October 3rd, 2019|Blog|0 Comments

If You Don’t Like the Cards You Were Dealt…

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“People are so caught up in their own negativity and losses that they give up on creating the future they want.” ~Grant Cardone

I have a friend. Let’s call him Ram. Ram is always angry because of the cards that he was dealt in life. He comes from a middle-class family that has no money or inheritance. He got a decent education but couldn’t go to a better college because his parents didn’t have the money to fund it.

He’s disappointed that his education has limited his opportunities. He’s frustrated that he has to spend money on public transport while others drive in their swanky cars. To him, it feels like the entire world has conspired against him to ensure he doesn’t succeed.

What Ram doesn’t realize is that most of us have been dealt less-than-ideal cards, and it’s up to us to make the most of what we have.

For Ram, everything that he’s suffering through, or has a problem with, is not under his control. He’s angry, frustrated, disappointed, and sad because, according to him, he is not responsible for any of his problems!

Ram has what you would call a victim mentality. For a victim, everything is someone else’s fault and nothing is under their control. Every obstacle is a problem instead of an opportunity.

Every time we suffer a setback, we think:

Why me?
What did I do to deserve this?
Everybody is out to get me.
I cannot do anything right.

But every time we suffer a setback, we have a choice to reframe our thoughts to:

I was not up for the task.
I was lacking somewhere.
This is a good opportunity for…
I will be better prepared next time because of this.
Now I know what not to do.

Can I be completely honest with you?

Ram is a pseudonym I created. Ram is me. I am Ram.

I get into the victim mentality very easily, because that’s easier than taking responsibility for my life. For four long years, I rejected the cards that were dealt to me because I felt that I didn’t choose them, so I could just ignore them.

I tried to distance myself from my parents and avoided going home for as long as I could because I blamed them for everything that was lacking in my life.

I’ve read a lot on self-help and personal development, so I don’t know exactly when the switch happened or why, but sometime in the beginning of 2015, I realized that running away was not going to get rid of the cards I was dealt, so I needed a different strategy.

So I decided to listen to Marcus Aurelius, who said, “Reject your sense of injury and the injury itself disappears,” and pack my bags to relocate back to the motherland—back to where it all started.

It’s easy to look over the white picket fence and think that the grass is greener on the other side. We’re quick to assume things, to create this image about others, thinking their life is perfect when that’s far from the truth! We all have things we wish we could change, but like it or not, much is beyond our control.

We don’t have control over where we are born, who we are born to, if we are born with a disability or we are born into a poor family. We also don’t have control over the stock market, natural disasters, the decisions our parents make for us when we are kids, which school we go to, or where we live. Most of us have to accept things we wouldn’t choose ourselves—but most of us still have a lot to appreciate.

When we measure ourselves on someone else’s yardstick, the yardstick tends to be very short because we are only looking at what we lack and wishing we had it. We completely ignore all the things that might be going our way.

In my case, I was overlooking the fact that I had a college degree, a roof over my head, parents who loved me, a job that was satisfying to varying degrees and helped me pay the bills, and colleagues who were friends at this point, who cared for my well-being. More than anything else, I had mental peace—when I wasn’t dwelling on everything I lacked.

When we spend our time wishing for something we don’t have, we waste time that could be used for either accomplishing something or getting us closer to actually having that something we want. You can complain and cry about how things are unfair and how other people have it easier, or you can get to work.

I am going to share a secret with you: You don’t have to do the craziest thing in the world. You don’t need to be the most spectacular. You don’t need to be the most famous. You just need to do what you can, with what you have, where you are.

Benjamin Hardy hit the nail on the spot when he wrote, “Most people wish that their circumstances would magically change for them. They don’t have a desire to become better themselves so they can proactively improve their circumstances.”

I had tried avoiding and running away from the cards dealt to me, but it hadn’t occurred to me that I was actually missing out by shunning my family, my friends, and my culture. So this time, I decided to embrace my cards and work with them.

And boy did that make a difference!

I’d missed celebrating the festivals, wearing Indian outfits, getting my elders’ blessings, smelling all the street food, and playing on the streets. I was slowly losing my ability to read and write in my mother tongue, which scared me. So, for starters, I decided to reconnect with my roots.

The festivals reminded me of the fun I’d missed out on, while the street food brought back a lot of great childhood memories. Attending religious ceremonies and weddings reminded me of the importance of having a close-knit family. Reconnecting with my cousins and old friends made me realize that we all have our own flaws and we are all trying our best to live with them.

The biggest change, however, was that I began to recognize the sacrifices my parents had made to ensure I got a good education and the right values growing up—moving to USA in their forties so that my brother and I could have a better life, working late hours to provide for us, giving up on their wants to fund our education.

Yes, they were lacking in many departments, but realizing that they didn’t have much help and were figuring things out themselves was the shift in perspective I needed.

As I started to work with what I have, I was able to leverage that instead of always wishing that I had a completely different deck. 

I started to lean more on my family. Instead of thinking of them as the weak link, I began to leverage their connections, their experiences, and their advice. I began learning how to navigate the complex web of human relationships.

It was the beginning of a different relationship with my parents, because by seeking to understand where they come from and why they do what they do, I had begun to respect them and earned their respect  in me.

I started reconnecting with old friends, who exposed me to interesting people and experiences, and in doing so, strengthened my relationship with them. For the first time, I was able to give back by being present and helping instead of being away and wishing I was present. Overall, this gave me immense satisfaction and mental peace.

I slowly began to return to myself—to remember who I was before I decided the world had wronged me.

Moral of the story, as Arthur Ashe wrote:

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”

My favorite indian word is Jugaad. Translated to English, the shorter version means “resourceful,” while the longer one would read, “Doing the best with what you have.”

If you are stuck and unhappy, maybe it’s time to accept the cards you were dealt, because acceptance is the first step toward happiness.

There would have been no Helen Keller if all she did was rue that she was deaf and dumb. Instead, she decided to accept it, and years later, at a time when very few women were even attending college, she graduated. Not only that, she authored six books while co-founding the American Civil Liberties Union.

Helen Keller is may be a famous example, but she is not the only one. Every day I see people accepting and playing their hand instead of wishing they’d been dealt other cards. They might not have everything, but they’re doing everything they can to make the most of what they have.

If they can do it, so can you! I promise you won’t regret it.

About Tuseet Jha

Tuseet Jha is just an ordinary boy next door who is trying to deconstruct and demystify life one thought at a time. He usually writes about happiness, productivity, minimalism, and success on his blog. Connect with him on LinkedIn and follow him on Medium and Instagram.

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The post If You Don’t Like the Cards You Were Dealt… appeared first on Tiny Buddha.

By |October 2nd, 2019|Blog|0 Comments

Top 5 Visitor Management Systems for Medium Business

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You're reading Top 5 Visitor Management Systems for Medium Business, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

Visitor management System

Visitors have been gracing the premises of businesses with high expectations for centuries. But with the advent of technology, it has now become imperative for businesses to manage visitors’ expectations, as well as visitors themselves. Visitor management has been a crucial part of running any business, and deploying manual comprehensive measures to meet the standards of visitor management can only help you so much. Hence, employing a quality visitor management system has become a necessary tactic for businesses to employ. It not only helps in the general tasks of managing the visitors’ activities, but also assists the staff in paperless processes, modernized reception, improved security, and decreased waiting times.

So, here is a list of the top visitor management systems for medium businesses that can help you in elevating your venture's standards while serving the visitors adequately:

1. piLOBI


One of the best visitor management software in the marketplace, piLOBI is a force of nature when it comes to visitor management. Offering a slew of functionalities and advantages that are unmatched by its competitors, piLOBI is as comprehensive as it gets when it comes to visitor management systems. Always be aware of who is visiting your premises with visitor check-ins, and hence, have top-notch security with the help of piLOBI. The system is easy to install as it is cloud-based, and once installed, it comes with a detailed guide that is easy to grasp for its plethora of functionalities.
Some of these functionalities include instant notifications for visitor check-ins, QR code visitor surveys, centralized dashboard which keeps track of all the visitors’ activities, pre-registration/appointment scheduling feature, and much more. The best thing about piLOBI’s visitor management software is that it comes in 4 types of subscriptions for every kind of business, which means that your venture can subscribe to the services that best suit your needs and pay for just them.

2. Envoy


Envoy’s visitor management system is utilized by industry leaders like Weight Watchers, Accenture, Spotify, L’Oreal, Slack, and many others. This sleek visitor management software is feature-rich and flexible software that improves the visitor experience and helps in improving the brand image of your venture. With a user-friendly interface, Envoy’s visitor management app helps in reducing the wait time of the visitors by allowing them to sign-in conveniently via an iPad.
Envoy is a great tool to ensure round the clock protection of your people, property, and business ideas. With badging and record-keeping features, it assists businesses in maintaining their data and have top-tier regulatory compliance. The software is also flexible and integrates seamlessly with other tools.

3. Proxyclick


Proxyclick’s visitor management software is leveraged by thousands of users in over 20 countries. The most prominent clients of this VMS are Fortune 500 behemoths as well as top brands such as Dimension Data, Johnsons Control, Airbnb, Acer, and Audi. Having a clientele so pristine, Proxyclick keeps up with the standards by offering a customizable check-in feature as well as interactive guest recognition functionality that keeps the hosts notified of the visitors’ activities and confirms entry to the visitor conveniently. QR codes feature also helps to make subsequent visits faster and smoother. The badging and instant image capture tools elevate the security standards and makes their functioning more robust. Data is stored securely and available for access anytime for use by the owners.

4. Sine


Sine offers a solid and smart solution for visitor management. This VMS is used by top brands such as DHL, Comcast, News Corp, JLL, Qantas Airways, General Electric, Vodafone, and others. Sine’s VMS also has free applications for smartphones and compatible with both, iOS and Android devices. The software is compatible to be run on the web, and helps you monitor the visitors at any time.
Furthermore, the platform delivers instant notifications in emergency situations to help you swiftly evacuate the office premises.

5. SwipedOn


SwipedOn has a very simple and informative dashboard, which offers sections like visitor info, error, time, etc. This is one of the easiest to use visitor management systems in the marketplace. With its fully customizable dashboard, SipedOn’s VMS lets you pick the tools you need. Furthermore, the system can also print ID badges for visitors to ensure fool-proof security protocols. Moreover, SwipedOn’s comprehensive tracking framework provides the hosts with a live report of staff and visitors to facilitate precise management for visitors, as well as the staff.

piLOBI’s visitor management software stands out from its competition due to its plethora of features and competitive price. Whether yours is a small, medium or a large business, piLOBI’s visitor management system helps you in improving your visitor management and visitor experience, to elevate the standards and brand image of your business to new heights. Contact our professionals today.

You've read Top 5 Visitor Management Systems for Medium Business, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you've enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

By |October 1st, 2019|Blog|0 Comments

Arjen Robben Net Worth

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Introduction Arjen Robben is a Dutch former footballer who played as a winger from Bedum, Netherlands. He is known for his dribbling skills, speed, crossing ability and his accurate left foot long-range shots from the right-wing, Robben was regarded as one of the best players in the world in his prime. As of 2019, Arjen […]

The post Arjen Robben Net Worth appeared first on Wealthy Gorilla.

By |October 1st, 2019|Blog|0 Comments

Would you be interested in a guest post titled

? It would cover:

  • [Key point 1]
  • [Key point 2]
  • [Key point 3]

If that’s not a good fit, would either of these suit you?

I blog at [name of your blog] and I’ve also written for [any other blogs you’ve guest posted on, if applicable].

Many thanks for your time,

[your name]

If there are specific guidelines about how to submit, make sure you follow those: for instance, if you’re asked to include links to samples of your work, do that!

Tip: Some blogs have quite detailed guest posting guidelines, and I find it helps to print those out and go through them point by point so I don’t miss anything.

Following Up on Your Guest Post Pitch

If you don’t hear back (and there’s no Out of Office reply or similar), follow up after 2 weeks. Anything sooner looks a bit pushy – remember that big bloggers will get a LOT of requests, and if you press too soon, it’s easier for them to say “no” rather than take the time to review your post.

Don’t leave it forever to follow up, though: it’s embarrassing for a host blogger if they lose your email and only find it again two months later. (I’ve had this happen not only with guest post pitches but also a magazine article submission: trust me, it’s best for you and for the editor if you follow up politely rather than assume that they didn’t want it…!)

Here’s an email you can use when following up:

Sample Follow Up Email

Dear [name],

I just wanted to check if you received my guest post pitch on [date]? I’ve copied that email below just in case it went astray.

No problem if it’s not quite right for you, or if you need some time to think about it.

Thanks very much,

[your name]

(Make sure you do include the original pitch. Don’t expect the blogger to trawl through their inbox for it… and there’s always the possibility it ended up being eaten by a spam filter.)

Guest posting is one of the best ways to boost your blog’s traffic and to build your own profile within the blogging world. Pitching can be a little scary – but once you’ve done it a few times, it does get much easier!

Have you written any guest posts yet? If you’re nervous or if you’ve got questions about finding opportunities, coming up with ideas and pitching your post, just leave a comment below.

Guest Posting Series:

Next week, we’ll be covering writing the guest post itself: making sure you’ve got an idea that’ll work for your host blog and for you, using your bio wisely, including links, and even including visuals.

So far:

7 Powerful Non-SEO Reasons to Try Guest Posting

The post Find and Pitch the Perfect Guest Posting Opportunities appeared first on ProBlogger.



By |2024-02-27T11:22:45+00:00July 6th, 2017|Blog|0 Comments